2005: My High School Room

I recently found these photos I took on a digital camera of my room in junior year of high school! I livejournal kid right when decora was becoming popular in the early 2000s, but in the pre-social-media days, it was more of an organic mimicry than the polished aesthetics of Kids These Days, lol.

A lot of the things I still love today have their roots from this time! I got into anime in middle school, and went to my first anime conventions in high school (back when Anime Expo was at the Anaheim Convention Center and there were only 15k attendants.... better days, to be sure....). I met friends in high school who gave me my first Japanese music mix CDs, and lent me their pirated box sets, opening my mind to way more possibilities. I also started shopping online, both through ebay and also via various livejournal communities. I also got really into Morning Musume and Hello!Project around 2004, so by this time I'd managed to get ahold of several posters, as well as two concert DVDs and a couple albums- this was back when it was way harder to get ahold of this stuff, ha ha.

My MLPs were largely thrift store finds, amazingly! A few were from my childhood collection, but back in the early 2000s, the gen 1s were still fairly common in secondhand shops. The g3s were bought new when they came out- I used to track the releases. I've cooled off a lot on MLP collecting, and many of them were rehomed, but I do still have a couple of grail G1 ponies I'm gonna get someday.

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